NECC Seeking Applicants for Committee Positions

The National Esports Collegiate Conference (NECC) is currently seeking people to serve on a number of its committees.

We would love to have you involved! We are looking for members on the following committees:

  • Competition Committee

  • Eligibility Committee

  • Community Engagement Committee

  • Member Development Committee

Signup with the link below and we will let you know if you are selected. Thank you!

Application Link:

The NECC fosters innovative competition experiences, provides quality broadcasting services, and works to support an inclusive community within collegiate esports. The NECC was started to provide the collegiate gaming community with the respect it warranted and deserved. The conference prides itself on responding to the needs of its schools, directors, coaches, and most importantly - its players.

With more than 400 colleges and universities currently competing, the NECC strives to be a positive home for the collegiate gaming community.

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