NECC Announces Updates to Preseason Structure

Following recommendations from a subcommittee created to explore the best way to enhance the NECC's preseason efforts and placement model, the NECC announced changes to how its preseason will work today.

The changes will begin this fall. Additionally the preseason effort which had been referred to as the NECC's Activation Tournament in the past will now be called the NECC Placement Tournament. 

Also of note, the NECC's Placement Tournament is now mandatory for all teams to compete in unless they have been given prior approval. 

The goal of the new Placement Tournaments (and the preseason in general) is to better place each team within our new division systemThese changes will help us ensure a more accurate placement for all teams into their seasonal divisions.

The Placement Tournaments will take place on the regular game day of competition for that title (ex. Valorant on Monday) the week prior to the start of the regular season. The dates of Placement this fall are September 16 - September 21.

Teams may play up to three games on their game night.

Teams that forfeit or throw these Placement Tournament games are subject to the following punishments:

  • FFs count towards each team's regular season total
  • Teams that do not compete in the Placement Tournament will not be allowed to play in playoffs.

These changes are being made to incentivize teams to do their best in this competition.

The NECC recognizes that not every team may be available to make every match and that is some exemptions will be allowed. Teams or programs can submit a request in a ticket to be taken out of matches without penalty providing they have a valid reason.

For those needing help or confirmation on registration or that may want to to know about the preseason Placement Tournaments, the NECC staff will be holding office hours every Tuesday and Thursday afternoon until September 12th

The NECC fosters innovative competition experiences, provides quality broadcasting services, and works to support an inclusive community within collegiate esports. The NECC was started to provide the collegiate gaming community with the respect it warranted and deserved. The conference prides itself on responding to the needs of its schools, directors, coaches, and most importantly - its players. 

With more than 500 colleges and universities currently competing, the NECC strives to be a positive home for the collegiate gaming community.

For more information about the NECC, their schools, games, and community, visit their website at

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